Saturday, April 27, 2013

NaPoWriMo Day 27

Day 27

Today's poetic offering is simply strange.


"Strange how I find myself upon your shore"
"On Your Shore" by Enya

Strange how I find myself at your door
fingers caught in mid-knock
anxiously biting my lower lip
Do I stay if you answer?
Do I leave before you do?
Strong wind pushes me forward
into the shelter of your porch
Your dog does not bark in greeting
But it waits attentively at the door

Copyright Celena Diana Bumpus

Creative Commons License
Stange by Celena Diana Bumpus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

NaPoWriMo Day 16

Day 16

Today's poetic offering is a matter of questions without really wanting answers.  Because answers can be too finite.


Pervasive thoughts
Hidden agendas
This lost dream
Is there anything to salvage?
No comfort in silence
Same frustrations spoken
I know there's a solution
Afraid to let go
Prisoner of my own dependency
I don't dare ask "Why?"

Copyright Celena Diana Bumpus

Creative Commons License
Circular by Celena Diana Bumpus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

daY TEn

...a un-love poem...

Sitting at the top of the staircase
I imagine my life without you
What life would have been had we never crossed paths.
I wonder if my dreams would be different.
Would my prayers include you even though I wouldn't know
who you are?
I am curious if you would look for a girl with green eyes
and long hair, thick lips and thighs or if the girl you would find
would be very different.
Would she be tall and slender?
I imagine quiet afternoons with no children
and my fingers tapping on the faded letters of my keyboard
writing things that I don't think.
Experiences that I never had unable to press out of my fingertips
existing in a world without you.
And without the things that have molded my poetry into
Standing on soapboxes with scratchy microphones in
darkened rooms
Reciting poetry with too many lines
As if you never even existed

© Ginger Galloway 2013

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day eiGHT and NiNe

Having so much fun with the PAD for April.... Here are my poems for the 8th and the 9th. My prompts come from NaPoWriMo and Poetic Asides... see more on my author page at

DAY eight

She didn't know what she had done
When she walked into the room
She thought they would just have fun
Outside at half past noon
but that was when the bell had rung
another would ring real soon
They thought there would be time to play
They'd just have to wait another day.
© Ginger Galloway 2013


It's time for bed I told the kids
As the time hit eight o' clock
Pee and brush and close the lids
In the hamper, put dirty socks
But sleeping's not what they did
Playing with toys and blocks
With paddle I dared them make a peep
And soon they all were fast asleep!
© Ginger Galloway 2013

Day Nine

the hunt

His eyes were wide
One up
One down
Around, around
Hand over fist he moved
Eyes rotating
Back and forth
Steady but not quite stealth
Quiet but not quite hidden
Smacking lips
Somewhere near the middle of the 
food chain
The hunter and
The hunted
The call pierces the sky
talons bared
just as the sticky tongue
smacks into the body
of the winged insect
wrapping around and
lifted from the bough
The diner
the meal.

© Ginger Galloway 2013

NaPoWriMo Day 9

Day 9
Today's offering to the poetry gods is a comparison and perhaps a contrast in two inherent different and yet eerily the similar parts within you.


My mind is whirling like my old, dust choked "wind machine".
Sucking air from everywhere.

Similar to the freeway when you drive too fast with the windows down at night.
I need to feel like I am going somewhere fast.

Even when I'm lying alone in bed at night.

My heart is like a rough draft of a poem or a song.
Incomplete and balled in your hands.

A crumpled sphere of craving, confusion and impetuosity.
The trash people wearing orange suits pick up in the landscaping next to the freeway.

Copyright Celena Diana Bumpus

Creative Commons License
Mind And Heart by Celena Diana Bumpus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Sunday, April 7, 2013

dAy Six

A Valediction Poem...

There was no kiss
no hug
no wave
The inevitable had become
Slow steps
History imbedded in footprints
No lazy glances
Deep breaths 
Was it a heart attack
or heart ache
They were the same
Pain caught between
screams and wails
Silence choking
There would be 
lingering regrets
There was no kiss
good bye

© Ginger Galloway 2013

Friday, April 5, 2013

DaY FiVe

From NaPoWriMo: A cinquain is a poem that employs stanzas with five lines. Each line has a certain number of accented or stressed syllables, and a certain number of overall syllables per line. So the syllable count is 2, 4, 6, 8, 2 ad the stress count is 1, 2, 3, 4, 1. I don't understand how you get the stress count as each one that reads the poem may stress different words, but...maybe that's just me...


You can't
Because I said
So what are you gonna
Do something or don't do something
You can't

© Ginger Galloway 2013

NaPoWriMo Day 4

Rough and rugged.  Unedited and raw.  It comes with an enigmatic smile.

NaPoWriMo Day 4


I pull my new black stillettos
from my tossed blue duffle
in the other room
slip them onto my bare feet
then walk into the main room
there is a metal stool
in the center of the room
light flanks me
from all sides

Leaning forward over the stool
I arch
my back a bowed curve
long legs stretched
left knee slightly bent
bracing my right arm
against the cool metal
of the seat
I peer over my right shoulder
hair falling
in a dark auburn wave
over my left eye

Smiling enigmatically
I stand silent for a moment

Still silent
I take my right hand
twist my arm above my shoulder
touch the spot
between my shoulder blades
tilt my chin upwards
only my profile in view now
hair held in the bend of my elbow
delicate chin
high cheekbone
tiny ears
curved forehead
short lashes
small nose
full lips
same enigmatic smile

After several moments
I laugh
kick off my high heels
pick up my camera
and gesture to the chair
See how easy it is?
I say to my wide eyed friend

©2013 Celena Diana Bumpus

Composed in silence

For a complete listing of my poems for the month of April 2013 entitled:
(because who knows what mysteries lie there):
which will be updated daily.  Simply click on the titles to discover the poem and more.

This work by Celena Diana Bumpus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Thursday, April 4, 2013

daY FoUr

Given the title; write the poem. Hmmm...

Jaundiced Outlook

Knives and daggars.
I never understood how one could swing them at themself.
But you do this.
Cutting your face and hands.
The world around you is full of life and beauty.
Yet you rip the branches off trees and stomp through flower beds.
Who gave you the right to steal away and destroy?
Flinging words at people and things and nothing.
Filling up space.
Until you can't see and no one else can either.
The cloud you have erected
Dredging misery as you throw
Knives and daggars.

© Ginger Galloway 2013


Today's challenge is to write a Shanty poem...a rhyming poem, sung by sailors as they work on a ship.

The ship does not sail
or float on the sea
The life I live here under
Locked in it's place
determined to be
The life I live here under
Simply the same
day after day
The life I live here under
Afraid to go it is
easy to stay 
In the life I live here under
The earth and the soil
under my feet
The life I live here under
A land lover's life 
is better for me
The life I live here under!

©Ginger Galloway 2013

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

daY TWo

DAY TWO --- A "lie" poem

You said that you would but you lie
You said that you wouldn't but you lie
You said that you did but you lie
You said that you don't but you lie
You said that we could but you lie
You promised me but you lie
You said it with your mouth but you lie
You lie You lie You lie!
So this is gonna have to be good bye
I lie.

Copyright Ginger Galloway 2013

DAy oNe

(Using the first line of another poem..."Kidnap Poem" by Nikki Giovanni)

Ever been kidnapped
Right out of your own mind?
Taken from what you think you know
Into something that is so unfamiliar
That you forget who you are?
And you find yourself thinking
Somebody else's thoughts?
Ever been kidnapped
And tried to go back to that place
That was familiar to you?
Comfortable to you?
Fighting the kidnapper with all that you have
Just to find that there is no one there?
No one holding you captive?
Have you ever been
Copyright Ginger M. Galloway 2013

Monday, April 1, 2013


We are taking up the National Poetry Writing Month challenge.
Yea Ha!!!!